ARCON Learning Center


ARCON PAM Plugin is a component for Google Chrome(v69 and above), Mozilla Firefox (v55 and above), and Microsoft Internet Explorer (v10 and above) on Windows operating systems.
This component helps in capturing end-user machine details for PAM Security Audit Logs.
To access ARCON PAM through a browser, the installation of this component is a must. Login to ARCON PAM can happen only if this component is installed on the end-user machine.
Pre-requisite: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required on the end-user machine.


ARCON PAM ActiveX is a component for Microsoft Internet Explorer, which helps in capturing end-user machine details for PAM Security Audit Logs.
To access ARCON PAM through a browser, the installation of this component is a must. Login to ARCON PAM can happen only if this component is installed on the end-user machine.
Pre-requisite: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required on the end-user machine.

My Access

My Access page enumerates the services the user is assigned and has access to. Moreover, the search field is bespoke, allows the user to search the services based on the LOB, Service Type, and the IP Address and also mark the favourite services for easy access. Once located, the service can be accessed.

My Preferences

My Preferences help manage the integrated third-party application’s exe path. Every user account has its own preferences that can be set for their own desktop/workstation for each Service Type and the path can be updated when required.

Service Access Request

ARCON PAM Service Access Request feature, allows a PAM user to request access to a certain target device with a privileged id. This request is then submitted to one or multiple superiors (which can be defined in the workflow). While raising the request, the user can state the duration of access to that particular service and the reason for access.The PAM user can carry out the task, by accessing the device which gets listed in the Connections page post approval.

Service Password Request

ARCON PAM Service Password Request feature, allows a PAM user to request for the password of a privileged id on a target device. A user can only request the passwords of those services he has access to. This request is then submitted to one or multiple superiors (which can be defined in the workflow). Once the Admin approves the request, the user will get a notification on the Dashboard and the password can be viewed in a secure mailbox provided inside the PAM portal itself.

Service Request Logs

A complete history with details of all the requests, be it a request for access to a service or to view a password, can be viewed under this section. This becomes helpful for the user in tracing back reason for requests, requested date or who approved or rejected a particular request.

Pending Service Access Request

Consolidated view of all the service access requests that have been raised by the user and approval is awaited can be viewed in this section.

Pending Service Password Request

Consolidated view of all the service password requests that have been raised by the user and approval is awaited can be viewed in this section.